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The Fine Line

Whose Side Are You On?

The Truth of His Word prevails, and loving Him means obeying Him. Sometimes, a sharp rebuke is necessary to steer us in the right direction.

As it is written, "Have I become your enemy by speaking the truth?" Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of the enemy.

There comes a time when we must choose a side, no longer straddling the fence, no longer being lukewarm. Just as in the days of Moses with the Israelites, there was a delay, just as the return of Christ is delayed. The children of Israel grew impatient and crafted a golden calf, an idol, out of the gold they possessed. They even named this idol YHWH, the name of the Great I Am. When Moses descended from the mount after encountering the Most High, he found the Israelites indulging in festivities, celebrating the idol they had erected in their lives. Moses was infuriated. Despite the mighty miracles and deliverance they had witnessed, the Israelites chose to go their own way and indulge in their sinful desires. They were content with their sin, leading them to wander in the wilderness for forty years, and the older generation perished due to their iniquities.

After Moses came down from the mount, carrying the commandments in hand, ready to present them to the people, his anger was kindled by their idolatrous ways. He asked the people, "Who is on the Most High's side?" Those who refused to repent and turn from their idolatry faced utter destruction.

As Christ's return is delayed, let us not resemble the stubborn and stiff-necked Israelites, caught in sin because Christ is not physically present among us. Let us not worship ourselves, fulfill our desires and pursuits for vain glory. Instead, may we be His beautiful bride, patiently waiting, crucifying our flesh, and obediently following His commandments. Among His commandments, He emphasized the importance of remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it holy. This commandment is often forgotten or rejected. He provided six days for work and one for rest, a day set apart for man, physically and spiritually. The seventh-day Sabbath was observed by Christ's disciples after His death, and it was established before the law, during creation. It is a gift from the Father to His children, offering us time and opportunity to grow our hearts and minds toward Him, free from distractions and busyness. Therefore, let us not find time for God among everything else, but prioritize Him above all, allowing everything else to align with His perfect plan for our lives. Will we surrender in this moment and trust Him? When we trust Him, our thoughts, words, and actions are transformed. He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. May He increase within us, crushing the ideologies of the world. Who will stand against Yahuah? Who will stand on His side in battle? May we choose the right side, for our eternal souls depend on it.

May Christ, the Son of the Living Yah be exalted in our lives, Yahushua! He is mighty to save and because of His blood, we have the opportunity to inherit the Kingdom of the Most High Yah! May we serve Him well, because we love Him! May we ready ourselves. As in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of our Master and Savior Yahusha (Jesus Christ).

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