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Quitting His Way

Updated: May 20, 2023

There will be challenging days when you may consider giving up on your pursuits. It's easy to focus on mistakes rather than progress, but perhaps we need to change our mindset. I came across a thought-provoking YouTube title: "Winners Always Quit, and Quitters Never Win!" by Myron Golden. After facing numerous trials, it's tempting to quit, but we must remember that it's okay to quit things that aren't working for us (within biblical parameters). However, it's not okay to give up on the life and breath that God has given us. We should never harden our hearts toward our covenant spouse; just as Christ forgave, so should we. As children of (Yah) God we should not lose hope, stamina, or quit on the purposes He has given us, because that would mean quitting on our belief in His promises. When we take matters into our own hands and rely solely on ourselves, we deny His power and lose sight of our faith in our Father, the King on the throne.

Isaiah 26:3 promises us perfect peace if we keep our minds focused on Yah. This promise comes with a condition: an action on our part. We must couple our faith with our works, staying committed to our Yah-driven goals with excellence and perseverance. Remember, the One within us is greater than the one in the world. He was great in Esther and David, and He can be great in us if we allow Him. Many say He's waiting for our invitation, but in reality, He's waiting for us to accept His invitation to the wedding feast and confess Him as the Master and Redeemer of our lives. That's when everything shifts. It's either for His glory or it's not. Our true fulfillment comes from bowing to His throne and acknowledging Him as our Savior. The Creator of heaven and earth is inviting us to His celebration. What an honor! Will we accept?

Remember, it's okay to quit things that oppose God's purpose for our lives. We can stop repeating the same mistakes and sins, such as pride, lust, and selfishness. But winners don't give up entirely or live in hopelessness. Achievers, conquerors, the victorious ones stop feeding the feelings that lead to spiritual regression. We are not quitters; we press forward with our eyes on the prize. As winners, we quit the following:

- Adulterous relationships, fornication, and sexual immorality

- Drugs, alcohol, pornography, and gluttony

- Pride, selfish ambition, and gossip

- Feeding toxic relationships (Jezebels, Ahabs, Delilahs, etc.), narcissism, or codependency

- Quitting on things that don't contribute to our soul's salvation

- Pursuing things for the wrong reasons or in the wrong seasons

- Going our own way, but choose rather to surrender to Yah's will

- Erecting idols in our hearts and minds

- Moping around, feeling like victims, and feeding shame

- Quenching the Holy Spirit and ignoring His gifts, prophesies, words of wisdom, knowledge, and revelations

- Being led by the flesh and feeding destructive emotions and habits

- Feeding fear and self-sabotage instead of faith

- Embracing laziness, mediocrity, and slothfulness

- Believing the enemy's lies and entertaining his whispers

- Reacting and responding instead of being proactive and productive

- Quitting on the things Christ told us to hold onto

- Feeling sorry for ourselves instead of believing in Christ's promises

Instead, we seek first His kingdom according to Matthew 6:33. We surrender to His will. We think on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. Because He is holy and He is welcome in this place - our temples, our places of dwelling. We are motivated to do good works and we feed faith, no longer falling prey to the enemy's attacks.

We quit on things Yah's way, by learning to thrive in difficult times. We flourish in the wilderness, just as a tree planted by the rivers. In Christ, we sprout through the cracks, springing up in dry grounds, because he is the fountain that never runs dry. We choose to overcome obstacles instead of becoming a casualty cowering to them, but rather overcoming by the blood of the Lamb.

We quit our own way and learn from the examples of old. We take inspiration and gather motivation from the stories of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, who thrived in circumstances meant to break them. Our ultimate source of strength is the Giver of Life, the Creator of the universe.

So, may the situations that were meant to weaken you strengthen you. In the bible story with Daniel, when their meat was taken away and worse was expected, these courageous men emerged stronger, wiser, and more understanding. In an experiment against magicians and astrologers, they thrived on a diet of vegetables and experienced vitality, healthy skin, and wisdom ten times greater than their opponents. The moral of the story is, to expect victory and not defeat. When you are walking in alignment with Yah's will, you can behold his protection, elevation, and provision! You can remain steadfast in doing what is right and if you faint not, you will reap a harvest! So, when the going gets rigid and you can't see the end, keep your focus on the ultimate prize and you will win!

Our Yah is mighty and He is powerful and capable of delivering us. He can rescue us from the fiery trials in our lives, from the clutches of the enemy, and from their schemes and plans. Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, let it be known that the God we serve is able to deliver us from the blazing furnace and from the hand of the enemy. He delivers!

However, even if He chooses not to save us from every situation, even if we have to endure storms and unexpected outcomes, we declare that we will not bow down to any other god or give our allegiance elsewhere. We will quit on our carnal mind, but we will not quit on the King of kings. We will trust Him at all times, even in moments of silence and testing. When He says no, we will be okay, and we will trust Him. When He says yes, we will walk through the open door, and we will not follow any other path.

So, stay on course. This race is not given to the weak or to the strong, but to the one that endures to the end. When you are weak, He is strong. Let Him be strong in you. Move with a purpose in Him and remember, speed does not indicate productivity, and mere movement does not equate to true accomplishment. Instead, pray for the ability to move with effectiveness and efficiency, aligning yourself with Yah's standards of excellence. Invest in and cultivate the talents and gifts that He has bestowed upon you and He will reward your faithfulness to Him. Expect the unexpected, but refrain from demanding unrealistic outcomes. Quit thinking that you can resolve everything in your mind and let His peace pass all understanding. He is the ultimate problem solver. So, practice patience and kindness, then stand - resting assured, the harvest is on its way!

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