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In Stillness He Speaks

Carnality breeds comfortability. I'm unconcerned with your comfort:

I want my children to be Free.

I want my children to want and desire me so baldly that they seek Me, and search for me continually...

Urges and temptations are the fuel your adversary easily ensnares you with.

Ask me how and I will oblige you.

Spend time with me in the secret place where wisdom and righteous rest are granted.

Cleanse your heart,

Your mind.

Fill'er up at the gas station.

Your oil is needed now more than ever.

Do Not

Do Not continue to run on fumes. . .

Ask me for perspective on ALL matters.

Ask me for ideas, attitude adjustments,

Words to say—or Not

Ask for a faith restore.

Faith without works is dead.

Works without faith is a lie.

Languish not in error.

Serpents lurk, waiting patiently

To bite you with fangs you helped

Them sharpen

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